Monday, April 26, 2010

Peer Blog Review

This is really late.

A. How did you decide which blogs to review?
B. Why did you select the individual postings to comment on?
C. How could you use a Blog in your classroom as a communication tool? If not, why not?

A) Im not concerned at all about the length of a blog posting. It's all about getting the idea and point across. If I do that in 2 sentences then thats my blog. If I need to write an essay then that's that.

B) I did it at random really. It's easy for me to have an opinion.

C) Well this is a pretty good example of a way blogs can be used in the classroom. Also, it's a good way to assign homework and not have to deal with the clutter of paper. 

Links to my comments

Monday, March 22, 2010

Self-Portrait Inspiration and Technical / Creative Resources

 Part 1:
What is a self-portrait?
          A self-portrait is a way to express who you are via an artistic media.
What are the distinctive things that make me "me"?
          I like art and sports, not a lot of people of either side can say that. I'm very personable.
How do I want people to see me?
         As someone who can be funny and serious at the right time, to be taken serious and be funny
How can I express my many different sides?
         It's not something you think about, it's just something you do.
How can I reinvent myself for various purposes or times in my life?
        I don't think I ever want to reinvent myself, i'd rather have different abilities that I can use at the right time.
How am I changing from day to day or year to year?
       Constantly growing, learning what to do and what not to do.
Who do I want to become?

       I am who I want to become, from this it's just smoothing out the rough edges.
Part 2:

           the first image is Duane Michals, the second is Matthew Barney. The first is an example of double exposure, I love this process and I've used it before for self-portraits. It's a great way to express an "out of body" experience, or a spiritual state. Matthew Barney has been able to create the world he sees in his head, into art. Being able to create these characters and scenarios is a major influence to me because i have alot of different images in my head but sometimes I just dont know how to create them, Barney has broken that barrier. 

Part 3:
I don't feel the need for an online resource for this project, I know a lot about self-portraits, im a former photography major and I feel I have a very strong grasp on the topic.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Reflection Post on Photobucket project

 I've considered myself a photographer since 2005, I very easily knew how to translate and demonstrate the elements and principles of art in photography. I used the examples you provided for minimal assistance, specifically in determining the differences between movement and rhythm, and harmony and texture, which I can see being somewhat of the same thing in certain situations. Creatively I wanted to use both models and still-life subjects, both have their own way to conveying the element/principle im trying to show.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Online Resource for Logo

I have two websites for this project.



I've been following Abduzeedo for a while, the site has a lot of really cool art work and inspiration and things like that. They have tutorials about logo design that I found helpful. The other site I found in a google search, there isn't much on learning how to create a logo, but just seeing a lot of different examples, I found that to be very helpful in seeing what was successful and what of my ideas were not being used.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Adobe Illustrator

       I know nothing about Adobe lllustrator. So these videos were very helpful. They were all simple intro tutorials that helped me understand the basics, I don't have illustrator on my computer, it would be nice to have it so I could do, right now, what the tutorials are teaching. I had illustrator at my old college and when i opened it to see what it was I just thought it was another photoshop, so what was the point, I thought they both did the same thing, but after seeing what all the tools do and their secondary uses, I was shocked i've never considered using this program and becoming skillful at it.
      I liked the guy who did the first few tutorials, Matt I think his name was. He was very good at getting his point across, talking slow enough, and his voice wasn't annoying, so that helped.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Online Resource for Lesson Plan

I couldn't find a lesson plan that specifically helped me with the format for the buff state lesson plan that we needed to fill out. This site helped me get my ideas in place to fill out the specific format. The site offered good suggestions on how to prepare to make a lesson plan and how to get your ideas straightened out so I could put them on paper.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Online Resource for Powerpoint

I figure powerpoint to be pretty easy, pick a template, throw some pictures in there, type some information, boom, you have a powerpoint. But this site I came across, really opened up the possibilities of what a good powerpoint presentation can do. But this one page in particular helped. Instead of cramming a bunch of points on one page, spread it out. This way you give yourself and the viewer time to elaborate on the point and it makes the importance of the point stand out more.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Albright Knox Review

Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
            First, Gauguin’s “The Yellow Christ”. I am a firm believer in Christ and seeing the portrayal of his death with, what it looks like Pilgram women, is odd to me. And not exactly understanding what’s going on in the background, who’s escaping and why? Second, Monet’s “Towpath at Argenteuil”, the way he paint’s, I just want to be there the cool colors and serene setting. Modigliani’s “Jeune-bonne”. When I saw this I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes, or lack thereof. Dali’s “The Transparent Simulacrum of the Feigned Image” to me is before it’s time. The quality of his images are almost equivalent to our HD, and the almost hidden woman’s eye in the corner. You see a Dali and you just want to pick his brain and figure out why his paintings are so odd. Matthew Barney’s work has a very big impact/impression on me. Especially the video he has playing. It’s just to intriguing to be in a world that he’s created that is so weird.

Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
            Whenever I go to the Albright I spend a lot of time looking at the Clyfford Still. I love abstract expressionism. This is pretty much the only piece that I really feel a connection with. I can spend a lot of time looking and analyzing a piece of work, breaking down the subject matter and brushstrokes, but with any abstract expressionism piece I just sit there and lose myself in it.

Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
            I’d like to know more about the small room of pop-art they have. I just don’t understand pop-art. That and the Dali and Tanguy, there’s a lot of subject matter but no real visual point or meaning. Also the Soutine, I’ve heard a lot about the meaning of the painting, but I just don’t understand how the subject matter relates to what I’ve heard.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why do you want to be an Art Educator?

      I want to express the importance of creating. Through creating something you can call your own you are opening up philosophical doors that most of us never even knew we had access too. Art has been so ingrained into our culture and society that, unless we're at an art gallery, we simply ignore it. Take photography for instance, think about a magazine and what it would be like if we didn't have photography. A picture-less magazine, that doesn't sound like much fun does it? Art is meant to stimulate the mind and in normal life it just doesn't happen anymore. That's why I want to be an art educator, to change that. I didn't care about art at all in high school. That's because I was so drained from the government classes and the English papers, I didn't have time to indulge in expression, I had deadlines, I had to get into college, I had to get an A on that exam. I was a robot. I took a photography class, I hated it, the students around me took it as an easy credit. I know I can change art from an easy credit to a class students want to take because of the possibilities and opportunities it can open up.